Friday, October 29, 2004

more on the eclipse...

what else do u think is affected by our strange cosmic movements recently?

  • the night of the total lunar eclipse as the Boston Red Sox & Cardinals were playing...well the game i heard dragged on till late into the night (till around 11:30pm?!) and finally Boston Red Sox won! their so called BabeRuth curse was lifted...who believes in curses anyway? well that was a feat that they've been trying to do for 86 years they say. Wow.
  • i sense a strong discontentment that's been brewing among the general masses in NYC & i'm guessing around the country too, the strong middle-class discontent with the status quo to put mildy...about the mistakes made in Iraq, the reasons why we're there, the stolen 300 tons ammunition, while in the homefront we've lost millions of jobs, lost healthcare for a lot of the unemployed, cutbacks on educational & social services for the poor & the disadvantaged...& so on & so forth...i don't want to sound like a politician here so...all i'm saying is, the discontent is palpable, u can almost feel it unless you're numb by ur own comfort level in life.
  • so, maybe something will eclipse on NOV. 2...maybe just maybe, something will tip over the scales towards what's right & fair...& John Kerry/John Edwards will win.
  • or the extreme case could happen too, not to forget what the other side is capable of doing by any means necessary to tip over the scales towards their side of the fence...votes lost, intentionally registered voters being disqualified & not machines not working like the ghost of the "chads"...& other spoofs that u think only happens in the wild, wild west was won! (i just hope this time the indians & cowboys know which side they're on...)
  • & last but not least, i've been noticing a lot of homeless people coming out of the woodwork once again in the beautiful Manhattan backdrop...& i wonder, do they always let out the looneys in the streets during the full moon, or is it just budget cuts?! - no answer available, just continue on w/ my wonderment...& pray for these lost souls...
  • If, someone who's gonna give us "more of the same" rhetoric & empty promises will win this election, i don't know who's more lost...Us or them?
  • maybe this is what the total lunar eclipse is trying to tell us... listen world,
  • it's time for a Transformation, a new way of seeing things, from war to healthcare, from the politics of greed to the politics of compassionate leadership...who are the true leader here???

* the emperor with new clothes, or the prince & the pauper... i just love simplifying complex politically-charged situations with my fave. children's stories. cause it ends up that the moral lesson of the story is still - the good will prevail. & i believe there is still a lot of good in all our matter how bad the political & societal situation gets....little folks like U & me, carry on....have to keep carrying on with heads held high working with tighter belts but with bright hopes for the future ....

till then, keep our hearts as pure & simple as a child & vote with confidence & a child's faith in all that's good...Good luck & may the best Leader win.

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