Thursday, July 29, 2010

us, beach bums!

why do we love the beach so much?!
We just got back from our nice one week vacation to the beaches of Boca Raton, Palm Beaches and Miami, Will and Diego....
Malaya couldn't come with us this time because she decided to go visiting with her Dad in West Virginia earlier this summer....then off to NYC for the start of her college life....

It was so much funnnn!!!! as always....
it seems every year, we have to go the's our mecca, our pilgrimage to release all the stress of living day to day in inland Georgia....far, far away from the ocean!

The beach always has that refreshing effect on's not just a release from everything
but it has a way of making you appreciate the simple things in Life....
Nature, the beauty of the blue waters, the ripple of the ocean waves along the shores....the sandy white shores....the seagulls and other sea birds like the geese in their random and yet so perfectly placed.

Everything seems perfect on the beach. No matter how hot the sun may can always cover yourself up with a nice beach hat, globs of suntan lotion (SPF 50 preferably!), and you can always come back in the later hours of the afternoon, into the evenings....
and the beach at night! with the moonlight lighting your footpath....walking barefoot on the shore....with your loved ones....who can ask for more?

Everytime we're at the beach, we always say...."This is the Life"....
so if this is the Life for us, we've arrived at the point in our not so young lives anymore
to ask ourselves: why not live by the beach instead???

If we already know what we know, and that all our vacations are mostly spent adoring the sun and ocean....then why not leave everything behind, like we already did ---- when we left NYC for Georgia....and move somewhere closer to the beach....

How come we just suffice with the summer vacations? one to two weeks out of everyday life??
How come we can't live like we're constantly on vacation, even if we have to go to work each day...cause that's still our reality...right? until we retire, ha,ha,ha...

One day, i know, one day...each time we go on our summer pilgrimage to the beaches....
one day...we will live our dream of living close or closer to the beach! no matter the hurricanes that frequent Florida....that's part of Life down there....i suppose you gotta take the good with the bad, like anywhere really. Life is that way.

Friday, May 14, 2010

another milestone...

Wow, it's been almost three years now since i last blogged....
and so much has changed and so much has stayed the same....
I'm still at my job as an assistant teacher for Special Ed. in a high school.
My husband is still doing the same thing, graphic designer for a sign company.
My two wonderful kids are still doing great, and wonderful in school....continuing to make us proud. We still live in this beautiful quant little house with a huge trees engulfing our backyard and a creek out back...that we love....and we're still in Georgia.

what is changing is, that my daughter is graduating from High school and soon to go off to College --- she wants to go back to NYC for college and she's going to Fordham University.
I know already that I will miss her terribly and I might end up making more trips to NY....
I know I will be just a phone call away, but it's still going to be traumatic for both her and me.
I hope its not gonna be too too bad of an adjustment for her especially....
we are so close that she runs to me for every little thing. But she has that independent spirit that I have witnessed in action when she spent her summers in NYC and Jersey City with her grandma from her Dad's side....she went to summer school in Parsons before and also vacationed the following summer there....she just loves that city. The city she was born in, and the city we sometimes can't get out of our system.

She's planning to stay with us for another month after graduation this end of she will be here still for June. Then she's visiting with her Dad for a month in West Virginia....then they both drive to NY/ Jersey City to get her settled and prepared for school.

After that, the dynamics at our home will maybe will be less one person....
it will just be Will, Diego and myself.....having dinner...we're so used to having dinners together....and now all that is going to change. I will miss my daughter so....very much.
I will be an 18-hour drive away and that's too far.....sometimes it gets me worried. But i trust her immensely and her wisdom and decision-making...still she's only 18 years young for this wild world I experienced. I just hope and pray that she won't make the same bad choices that her Mom made in her younger days.....that she won't fall prey to un-trustworthy young men....and that she won't wear her heart out on her sleeves. I believe she's smarter than that....I pray that her angels would always guide her way...and that the holy spirit breathes wisdom on her each day.....that's my prayer every night that she's away from her Mama.

the Desiderata comes to mind....
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,
and the wisdom to know the difference..."

I love you my little baby girl....more than ever... and will always be there for you....just call.
or email ....or