Wednesday, November 10, 2004

4 more years...

i can't believe the last time i blogged i was still in a different world
full of hope & wishfulness for a fresh start
a new leadership...
"help is on the way!"...
but what do we got now???
it was a blow for a lot of folks here in NY,
i'm sure for all those wanting a change in government & the way things are going,
all seems,
we can't get a break right now...
4 more years! ( i still can't get over it...)
it took me a little while to get used to the idea,
(i don't think i can ever get used to the idea, i can only pretend it doesn't exist in my merry world)
like i don't have an Emperor with no clothes,
like i'm not one of those blind following the blind....
of more Bush-isms' foreign policy of colonialism...imperialism....
& this WAR for what?!
seems like a war with no end in sight....
it's gotten worse from last week before election to now...
the week after the election results.

so what do we do now?
what do I do now???
i just wake up the following day,
knowing it was a very tight race & for whatever fraud & cheating that might have taken place
there's not much i can do about it...
i'm just a little speck of dust in this never ending parade...called Life,
I can only make my own life better,
change my life for the better,
according to what Gandhi said -
"be the change you want to see in the World..."
how true is that huh?

if we can't change the way things are,
at the very least, we can only change what we don't want in our own little world...
hopefully, maybe,
some of that positive changes will have a ripple effect out into the bigger worlds that we move around in....

if that ripple effect did not happen now in this election...
there's always 4 years from now...
it's not that far- away...
if u think about it....
sad to think, that this war might last that long...
although I pray that it won't...
that we are all kept out of harm's way,
especially my kids, ( if ever in the far-off, distant future they ever bring back the draft)
...i would have no choice but to move to another country....
that's where my loyalty lies...
in the truth of God's/Jesus teachings of the Golden Rule
" to do unto others what you would want others to do unto you"
to Love your neighbors as yourself...& to love even your enemies....
I know it's hard to do,
it's almost blasphemous to think about it being an American
fighting this war out there which was started
or so they say with what happened on 9-11...
but two wrongs does not make one right does it???
- it just perpretrates the evil of war & all this killing of innocent lives
& look at all the destruction?!

i was pretty depressed last week...
i couldn't even find the energy to blog &
congratulate the so-called winners in this race/farce of a game...
but what is there to congratulate & give thanks to?

really, more of the same??
of what we can expect like this week,
into another week of war,
into another month,
into another year...of war,
into what???
4 more years of WAR???
& for what?!

if one can answer me truthfully
with a clear conscience that what we are doing there as a country is good,
i don't mean right? i mean "good" as in abiding by what one believes as Godly all means i will listen.

But i've heard enough of it,
in the political race-games,
& i'm still hearing about it in the daily news...
the taking over of Fallujah, 10 more american soldiers dead,
a lot wounded, & how many innocent lives destroyed but never mentioned here....
while the Feds are hiking up the rates again a quarter today...
& there are still not a lot of jobs,
& what????
too much to mention...
too tired to try & write them all down.
too pissed off to try to find justification...
too sad, that we can't have any good news,
so if i were you,
i would just turn off the TV news...
& carry on with life like nothing ever happened last week.
be happy with what you got
cause for now,
that's all you really got.
-till then,
don't worry, be happy...
- J

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