Saturday, March 28, 2020

Things we have taken for granted

Today, I am writing about things we have taken for granted....

Especially now that we are under this CoronaVirus #stayathome orders from the local as well as the federal government...

Today, March 28, in this tumultuous year 2020, 8:28 am, blogging at home, because there's really nothing better that I could be doing at this moment.

I realize how I have taken for granted little simple things such as....

  • hanging out with friends & neighbors and not worrying about being 6 ft. apart
  • hugs & kisses from friends & babies
  • shaking hands, at church during "Peace be with you"
  • physically going to Church on Sundays
  • being able to drive anywhere, as far as Florida - to the beaches, or even just the next city
  • going to restaurants & bars 
  • walking along crowded streets & sidewalks (especially when we were in NYC - miss that!)
  • weekly band rehearsals
  • shopping at your favorite stores
  • doing your grocery shopping, without having to have a long list because you can go anytime
  • working out at gyms
  • swimming at community pools  (hopefully we can still do that this Summer 😔.
  • our jobs & routines that we used to complain so much about
  • getting dressed every morning
  • seeing our students (I'm a middle school teacher)
  • seeing our co-workers
  • going to concerts
  • going to town events & gatherings
...after we all get through this unprecedented & totally unpredictable event in our history...I promise myself I will no longer take these little things for granted.  I will have a renewed love & respect for my daily work routines, and try to spend more quality time listening to my students, my friends & co-workers.  
One good thing that came out of all this "staying home orders" ... 
is the closeness and time we now share and have to share with our closest family unit...
I love the quiet & sometimes loud & annoying times I share with my son, Diego and hubby Will.
I also love to "FaceTime" each day when we call our families that are dear yet far from us....
We plan on doing Zoom video conferencing with our band mate, Ron, & hopefully other musician friends... just to jam and play some music... maybe share that to our friends on FB...for Blue Mischief.

Thank God for Technology & Social Media, what would we do without it now?  
Let's stay connected folks... let's stay in touch and try to reach out to our friends & members of the community who are somehow feeling more isolated than us...
there's a lot out there we can do to get through these rough times.
Keeping y'all close to my heart and in my prayers.
STAY STRONG!  sending positive VIBES only.... Om Namaste...

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