Friday, April 15, 2011

who I want to star in the film about my life

Catherine Zeta-Jones just announced that she's suffering from Bipolar Disorder II. That's wonderful and refreshing, i think she is brave to do that. If i were to pick somebody to act as me in a story/film about my colorful life, it would definitely have to be her, Catherine Zeta-Jones - we are even close in age....she's 41, and i'm a young looking 46 year old, lol. Also, I've been thinking it's either her or Angelina Jolie. Just because i really like Angelina Jolie as an actress and I saw her in this film about being in a mental health facility, "Girl Interrupted"....with Winona Ryder and she was amazing in her portrayal of a girl with mental health issues. So, i'm still in the process of writing my autobiography. Once it's done, my goal is to shop it around people like Angelina Jolie or now, Catherine Zeta-Jones to check out and give it a look or review and see if they would want to produce it and star in it.... I think my life story is very interesting to say the least. I can honestly say i've gone through hell and back again....even three times in my life...during my last 3 episodes.....I think i've shared some of the stories here on this blog..... I'll tell you more later ok, till then I'll keep on writing and blogging.....

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