- there are pow-wows conducted about who's job is it to provide milk for the coffee.
- someone hogs the private handicapped restroom for almost 30 mins., newspaper in hand (mtm, there's probably a Playboy magazine hidden inside!) & leaves not a very nice scent behind :(
- u have to "express" your milk in the very same private restroom, because you want to do the right thing as a working mom - since your ofc. doesn't provide special amenities for employees who choose to continue to nurse their babies even after their very long maternity leave of 6 weeks!!! (why isn't that the standard norm of disability allowed in the States? it's just not fair to the other working women who choose not to get pregnant! come on now...)
- when u come back from your "vacation"/disability, they've given your job to the young intern who doesn't even want to type memos, make copies, or send faxes cause it's not in her job description & she didn't go to College to make copies, excuse me!. (So u got nothing better to do but show your new baby photos around the whole ofc...more FUN!)
- someone starts stealing your post-its & moves your stapler to an undisclosed location.
- people start looking for someone to blame for the microwave going dead.
- it's the 3rd day of a communication power outage in your building & there is nothing to do but FILE or stare at your PC/phone - nothing is working, not even U.
- on your way to work, you're practicing a speech for your boss to please let you go (in other words - say the Trump words to U - " You're fired!", cause God forbid u quit first, & not be able to collect even a small unemployment - in this job market, that's a sin!)
- half of your day is spent window shopping for houses online, knowing that u probably will be out of a job soon, & maybe not finding one right away after getting fired, & still think you can buy a house soon!
- U get a reputation at your job as a "ballbuster", but most of the guys U have to deal with are not even aware of their own "macho shitload" mentality.
- U have looked at all the vacation cruises, packages, get-aways when U have used up all your vacation days....but saving those searches maybe for the next vacation!
- you know the temp in the next cube is having phone sex & getting paid by the hour & U have to sit in front of your computer & input a thousand more names & addresses.
- when there's a Nor'easter blizzard on your first day back at work & your ofc is open anyway (after the much awaited & anticipated holidays)...& the sanitation crew in your burb decided to plough the snow back on your driveway & buried your car.
- when you're playing solitaire on ur PC & losing to yourself- how is that possible???
& THE BEST for me IS:
- when you've resorted to Blogging at work, to keep your sanity, continue to look busy, & get paid ok by doing it :)
maybe more later,
music for the day is...
"Tristeza, the deep sadness your heart feels...
let it linger forever,
let your kiss...."
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